We are seeking your views and opinions on proposals for our fees and charges for 2018/19. This 12 week consultation will close on 16 January 2018 and the results will be used to inform our final scheme, which will be introduced from 1st April 2018.

We are required by Government to recover the costs of delivering our regulatory services, from those we regulate, rather than being funded by general taxation and this accounts for approximately 20% of Natural Resources Wales total funding. We are open and transparent about how our fees and charges are structured, as well as how the funds collected are then used.  

Our Fees and Charges Scheme is reviewed regularly to ensure that our costs are covered and technical requirements are being met. As a result of our most recent review we are proposing to maintain the current levels of our baseline charges. We may be required to take responsibility for new Medium Combustion Plant Directive requirements coming into effect during 2018/19 and propose a range of charges to recover our costs, should this be the case. We are proposing a new upper tier for hydropower abstractions and an increase to our pollution incident response cost recovery hourly rate. 

Information update - December 2017

The Environment Agency have recently initiated a public consultation on their proposed fees and charges for 2018/19 which includes a revised hourly rate for nuclear regulation work. 

Where the Environment Agency carries out nuclear regulation work in Wales on our behalf, the rate at which this work is charged will be in line with the hourly rate stated in the finalised (post consultation) Environment Agency Fees and Charges document. 

The relevant rate stated within the finalised NRW Fees and Charges document (also currently subject to public consultation) will be used in relation to any regulatory work carried out directly by NRW personnel.

How to respond 

Please submit your comments to us by the 16 January 2018. 

You can reply in the following ways: 

Email -


Post -

Charging Consultation Response
Natural Resources Wales
Ty Cambria
29 Newport Road
CF24 0TP

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