Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is the Competent Authority for implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Wales. We have responsibility for drawing up the River Basin Management Plans - working in partnership with a wide range of public, private and voluntary organisations (including water companies, local authorities, eNGOs, business & industry). NRW leads on the development of the plan for the Western Wales and Dee River Basin Districts and acts jointly with the Environment Agency who leads for the Severn River Basin District. 

The second river basin management plans were published in 2015

They outlined what would be done to protect and improve the water environment over a six-year period to 2021. We are now working to refresh and update the plans for the period 2021 to 2027, to be signed off by Ministers prior to publication in December 2021. 

The Working Together Consultation is the first statutory consultation leading up to the publication of the reviewed and updated RBMPs. It sets out the Statement of Steps and timeline for the third cycle of the Plans.

We would like your views on how you would like to be involved in the development of the next River Basin Management Plans.

How to respond

We would like you to complete the consultation questions. The form can be either emailed or posted to us at the following addresses.

Jill Brown, Natural Resources Wales, Tŷ Cambria, 29 Newport Road, Cardiff  CF24 0TP

The Environment Agency’s consultation is published on their website.

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