The Countryside Access (Exclusion or Restriction of Access) (Wales) Regulations 2003 require Natural Resources Wales as a relevant authority to publish a draft direction on a website when it is minded to exclude or restrict access for a period of more than 6 months.

The site, known locally as Trawsfynydd Ranges covers an area of 365.5 hectares, National Grid Reference (NGR) at the centre of the plantation is SH760326 and it is situated approximately 350m above sea level.

Access to this site is currently excluded under an existing long-term direction which is due to expire on 28 August 2018. A direction means that authorisation has been given by the Relevant Authority, in this case Natural Resources Wales, to exclude access under the CRoW Act. It does not affect other rights that may exist on the land, such as public rights of way.

Natural Resources Wales has applied under section 25 (1)(b) – Avoiding Danger to the Public of the CRoW  Act to exclude access for a further five years because there has been no intervention on this site to remove the risk of unexploded ordnance and there is still a danger of serious injury or death.

The Act requires the relevant authority to consult with the Local Access Forum (LAF) for the area and other organisations (specified in the Regulations) when an application for a direction is made which lasts or more than 6 months and consider any advice given. The LAF are advisory bodies established under Section 94 of The Act to advise on improving public access for open-air recreation.

NRW may, if it thinks it appropriate consider any other representations which it receives.

The proposed long-term direction and assessment report can be viewed by clicking on the following links:

This draft direction provides the detail, information and provisional approval to exclude public access for a period of 5 years minus 1 day commencing on 29 August 2018.

Assessment Report

This assessment report details how NRW has considered the application using the Welsh Assembly Government’s approved statutory guidance to Relevant Authorities.

Any person wishing to make representations in relation to this proposed long-term direction should do so, in writing, to the email or postal address specified below within the consultation period above.


Lucy Swannell

Access and Recreation Advisor
Welsh Government Building
Rhodfa Padarn
Llanbadarn Fawr
SY23 3UR

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