Consultation on our Strategic Equality Plan Equality Objectives for 2015-19

This consultation will close on 6th January 2015 and the results will be used to inform our final Strategic Equality Plan, which will be introduced from April 2015.

Natural Resources Wales is the first organisation of its kind, created to ensure that our natural resources and environment are sustainably maintained, enhanced and used in a way that is good for people, good for the environment and good for the economy.

As a Welsh Government Sponsored Body, we are required by law to develop and publish a Strategic Equality Plan (SEP). To underpin the plan we are proposing a series of equality objectives (some of the things that we plan to do) which will show how we intend to promote equal opportunities for all and aim to make a real difference to the lives of those living and working in Wales.

We have already taken into account things that people have told us during a series of involvement events in partnership with Diverse Cymru.

This information is important to us in terms of equality and fairness and has helped us to develop our five draft equality objectives. Before we put these objectives into our plan, we would like to find out what you think of them.

How to respond

Please submit your comments by 5pm on the 6th January 2015. You can reply in the following ways:



Equality and Diversity
Natural Resources Wales
Ty Cambria
29 Newport Road
Cardiff, CF24 0T


0300 065 3000

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