This 12 week consultation will close on 26 November 2015 and the results will be used to inform our final scheme, which will be introduced from 1 April 2016.

About this consultation

As part of our wide remit, we provide a range of regulatory services.

We are required by Government to recover the costs of these regulatory services from those we regulate, rather than being funded by general taxation.

This accounts for approximately 20% of Natural Resources Wales total funding of £180m.

We are open and transparent about how our fees and charges are structured, as well as how the funds collected are then used.

Our Fees and Charges Scheme is reviewed regularly to ensure that our costs are covered and technical requirements are being met. 

As a result of our most recent review, we are proposing to maintain the current levels of our baseline charges and to make some minor technical changes within specific charging regimes. 

View the consultation document

How to respond 

Please submit your comments by 4pm on 26 November 2015. 

You can reply in the following ways: 

Email - 

Post - 

Charging Consultation Response

Natural Resources Wales

Ty Cambria

29 Newport Road


CF24 0TP 

Telephone - 

0300 065 3000

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