Consultation on the proposed update to Wales’ river basin management plans

The Environment Agency will be updating the river basin management plan for the Severn River Basin District.

The plans describe the pressures facing the water environment for each of Wales’ three river basin districts. They will set objectives for our rivers, lakes, estuaries, coastal and ground waters from 2015 – 2021. Each plan outlines the actions needed to improve the water environment, the benefits that could be achieved who is best placed to deliver them.

This consultation is an important step in shaping the management of the water environment throughout Wales and gives you the chance to influence the approach. The best way to protect and improve the water environment is by everyone becoming actively involved.

We would like your views on what has to happen, where and when and any evidence you have which can help us to better plan for the future of our waters.

The consultation on the flood risk management plans coincides with the launch of this consultation and runs until 31 January 2015. The draft flood risk management plan can be accessed on our consultation page from the 10 October 2014.

Coordinating flood risk management and river basin management planning will make it easier for stakeholders with interests in both to share their views, and for us all to take a wider view of opportunities for managing the water environment more effectively. Together, these two plans will shape important decisions, direct considerable investment and action, and deliver significant benefits to society and the environment.

How to respond

Please use the question proforma below to let us know what you think. The proforma can be emailed or posted to us at the following addresses.


Dee document: or

Western Wales document: or


Jill Brown,
Natural Resources Wales,
Ty Cambria,
29 Newport Road,
Cardiff, CF24 0T

Planning overview annex supporting information Environment Agency sharefile links

Document Title File Link
Heavily Modified Water Bodies review
Surface Water classification methodology
Groundwater classification methodology
Significant water Management Issues summaries
Risk Assessment method statements
Risk assessment maps

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