Consultation on draft flood risk management plans for Wales

Under the Flood Risk Regulations 2009, Natural Resources Wales must produce and publish Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) at the River Basin District scale by December 2015. Under this requirement, we have produced three draft FRMPs for consultation that cover Wales: The Severn; The Dee; and The Western Wales. The Severn and the Dee FRMPs have been produced jointly with the Environment Agency.

The plans set out the conclusions of what is at risk of flooding, along with the objectives and measures for addressing the risk. We are seeking your views on the proposed measures within the plans.

The consultation on the draft updated River Basin Management Plans coincides with the launch of this consultation and runs until 10 April 2015. The draft updated River Basin Management Plans can be accessed on our consultation page from the 10 October 2014.

Coordinating flood risk management and river basin management planning will make it easier for stakeholders with interests in both to share their views, and for us all to take a wider view of opportunities for managing the water environment more effectively. Together, these two plans will shape important decisions, direct considerable investment and action, and deliver significant benefits to society and the environment.

How to respond

We would like you to use the question proforma on our webpage to let us know what you think. The proforma can be emailed or posted to us at the following addresses.



Rachel Sion,
Natural Resources Wales,
Ty Cambria,
29 Newport Road,
Cardiff, CF24 0T

Publishing our consultation results

We will published our full consultation summary response document for all the flood risk management plans in Wales in June 2015. It will includes a summary of the comments received and an analysis of the main themes raised by respondents. It also gives an overview of the actions we propose to take in response for finalising our final flood risk management plans ahead of publication in December 2015. The consultation summary response document has been circulated to all consultees and is available below. The report will be available on our website and circulated to all consultees.

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