Look no further! On this page, you will find generic session and activity plans for KS2 and KS3 covering everything from what to put in a flood kit to what’s in flood water and evacuation plans.

Curriculum links are included in the documents and all the activities will help you deliver against the National Literacy and Numeracy Framework (LNF).

At KS4 and Post 16, the St Asaph case study, accompanying data reports and presentation, supports the study of actual events at St Asaph, allowing learners to work through the options available for remedial work and select their preferred option.

All the resources are supported by a flooding information sheet which provides:

  • an overview of the topic
  • a description of the three common types of flooding
  • history of flooding in Wales
  • description of past and present management techniques
  • a leaflet describing what to do before, during and after a flood

Introduction to flooding

Use this presentation (PowerPointto set the scene and explain what flooding is and why it happens.

Flooding - KS2/3 session plan and activity plans

This session plan aims to raise awareness about the dangers of flood water, ensure that participants know what to do in the event of a flood and highlight the impact that flooding can have on different members of a community.

Flooding KS2/3 (session plan)

You can pick and choose from the following activities to highlight the dangers of flood water and what learners can do to prepare themselves, their homes and help other members of the community.

Activity plan: The dangers of flood water

Dangers of flood water (activity plan)

Discuss what ‘nasties’ might be present in flood water and why they are dangerous.

What's in floodwater? (information sheet)

Activity plan: How to prepare for a flood

How to prepare for a flood (activity plan)

If you live in an area at risk of flooding it is useful to have a flood kit or bag set up and ready to go. During this activity learners identify items that should be included in a flood kit and explain why.

Flood kit (resource cards)
What goes in your flood kit? (information sheet)
What to do before a flood
How to prepare for flooding - residential (information sheet)
School flood plan (form)
Personal flood plan (form)

Activity plan: Evacuation plan

You have been told that your area is going to flood and you have an hour to evacuate. This is a discussion based activity to consider how to prepare yourself, and your home or your school, for a flood. Who might you want to contact and what actions could you take to minimise damage?

Evacuation plan (activity plan)
What to do in a flood
What to do after a flood

Activity plan: Flooding aftermath

Learners identify different members of a community that may be affected by flooding and discuss how they might feel.

Flooding aftermath (activity plan)
Flooding aftermath (discussion cards)

Activity plan: Impacts of flooding

Learners consider the short and long term effects of flooding and possible solutions.

Impacts of flooding (activity plan)
Impacts of flooding (discussion cards)

Dolgellau flood risk management scheme case study – KS4/Post 16

A detailed case study about the construction of a flood risk management scheme in centre of Dolgellau, including risk maps and historical information.

Dolgellau flood alleviation scheme - the problem (case study)
Dolgellau flood alleviation scheme - the solution (case study)

St. Asaph 2012 flooding case study - KS2/3

A summary of the flooding that occurred in St. Asaph including real-time data and a presentation about what happened.

St. Asaph floods 2012 KS2/3 (data report)
St. Asaph floods KS2/3 (case study)
River Elwy - St. Asaph floods presentation (PowerPoint)
St. Asaph 2012 - Floods in the news (resources)

St. Asaph 2012 flooding case study – KS4/Post 16

A detailed case study about the flooding that occurred in St. Asaph including real-time data and a presentation about what happened.

St. Asaph floods 2012 KS4/Post 16 (data report)
St. Asaph floods KS4/Post 16 - the problem (case study)
St. Asaph floods KS4/Post 16 - the solution (case study)
River Elwy - St. Asaph floods presentation (PowerPoint)
St. Asaph 2012 - Floods in the news (resources)

Flood alleviation Welsh Baccalaureate - Advanced global citizenship challenge (AGA9)

Learners are invited to tackle the question: "The risk of flooding along rivers and the coast globally is increasing because of numerous factors. What approach should be taken to tackle this global issue?

Flood alleviation AGA9


NRW’s role

Telling people that a flood may happen or that a flood is about to happen is vital, as it gives those concerned time to prepare.

Natural Resources Wales forecasts floods and warns the public. We also raise awareness of flooding and help people prepare in advance.

Contact us

We welcome any feedback about these resources, whether they were useful and what you may like to see in the future. Please contact us on education@naturalresourceswales.gov.uk

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