Public task statement

This statement sets out the functions carried out by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) that are within its public task, under the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 (the Re-use Regulations). This statement is regularly reviewed.

Public task

We are a Welsh Government Sponsored Body, employing over 2,000 staff across Wales.

We were formed in April 2013, and our general purpose is set out in the Natural Resources Body for Wales (Establishment) Order 2012 and our approach to managing the natural resources of Wales sustainably is to build a healthy and resilient environment that can support economic and social prosperity for generations to come in line with the Well-being of Future Generations Act 2015.

We receive a remit letter at the start of each financial year, setting out what objectives Welsh Government wants us to achieve in that year.

Our remit includes a broad range of roles and responsibilities. We: 

  • are a key environmental advisor to Government and other public decision makers such as Local Planning Authorities.
  • develop and maintain flood defences and respond to flooding and environmental incidents including issuing flood warnings to communities at risk.
  • manage the public forest estate, and protect designated sites including Sites of Special Scientific Interest, internationally designated sites and National Nature Reserves.
  • are the principal environmental regulator in Wales, covering a wide range of sectors and activities. 
  • gather evidence and carry out research to expand our knowledge of the Welsh environment, often working in partnership with public, private and voluntary sectors to protect the natural resources of Wales and educate those who interact with our environment. Our organisation also plays a vital part in responding to the nature and climate emergency.

For further information please refer to Roles and Responsibilities.

What information is available for re-use

Information is available for re-use when it is part of our public task roles as outlined above. NRW’s commercial activities such as land lease, timber sales and laboratory services are principal exceptions to our public task roles, and therefore excluded from the Re-use Regulations.

Personal data is also excluded under the Re-use Regulations, as is third party owned information and information that is exempt or excepted under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) or the Environmental Information Regulations (2004).

Licensing for re-use  

We proactively publish much of our public task information under the terms of the Open Government Licence. When public task information contains sensitive data, a more restrictive NRW conditional licence is used.

How to access information for re-use

Details can be found in Access our data, maps and reports. Further information, some of which may be outside the scope of the Re-use Regulations, is available in Freedom of Information and Permitting Publication Scheme.


Information is supplied free of charge with very few exceptions. Please refer to our Information charging schedule.


If you have a complaint about us under the Re-use Regulations, please use our complaints handling process. If the complaint cannot be resolved by us, you may refer it to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Further information

This public task statement is regularly reviewed. Please contact if you have queries about the statement.

Links between access and re-use (

This statement was signed off by Prys Davies, Senior Information Risk Officer, on 6 August 2021.

This statement is reviewed annually and was last reviewed on 5 August 2022.

Last updated