Organisational structure

Our organisational structure has changed. 

The new structure, created through our Organisational Design project, is designed to enable us to deliver against the principles set out for us in the Environment and Wellbeing Acts, and the objectives set out in our Corporate and Business Plans.  It is designed to deliver locally, whilst maintaining high standards across the whole of Wales.  It is designed to be flexible and resilient in the face of future challenges.

Our new place based approach will focus on seven place-based teams (including marine). These will be led by our seven Heads of Place and work with the Heads of Business in our Evidence, Policy and Permitting and Finance and Corporate Services directorates.

Organisational structure 

Chief Executive - Clare Pillman​

Executive Team

Executive Director for Evidence, Policy and Permitting - Ceri Davies

Executive Director of Operations - Gareth O’Shea ​

Executive Director Finance & Corporate Services - Rachael Cunningham

Director of Corporate Strategy & Development - Prys Davies​

Executive Director of Customer Communications & Information - Sarah Jennings​​ ​

Leadership Team

Head of NRM Policy - Ruth Jenkins  ​

Head of Regulation & Permitting - Nadia De Longhi

Head of Flood & Incident Risk Management - Jeremy Parr

Hea​d of Knowledge & Evidence - Chris Collins 

Head of Land Stewardship - Dominic Driver

Head of North West Wales Operations - Sian Williams / Martin Cox 

Head of North East Wales Operations - Lyndsey Rawlinson

Head of Mid Wales Operations - Gavin Bown

Head of South West Wales Operations - Martyn P. Evans  ​

Head of South Central Wales Operations - Mike Evans  

Head of South East Wales ​Operations ​- Steve Morgan

Head of Development Planning & Marine Services - Rhian Jardine

Head of ICT - Martin Parkinson 

Head of Business Support Services - Victoria Rose Piper

Head of Finance - Rob Bell

Head of Internal Audit - Jacqui Kedward

Head of Organisational Development - [Vacant]

Head of Governance & Board Secretary - Colette Fletcher

Head of Legal Services - Sarah Asbrey

Head of People Management & Wellbeing, Health and Safety - Steve Burton

Head of Vision 2050 and Planning - Sarah Williams

Head of Communications - Catrin Hornung 

Head of Customer Experience - Naomi Lawrence

Head of Sustainable Commercial Development - Elsie Grace

Declaration of interests

The Executive Team are asked to declare any individual interests or of those of any close family (defined as partner, children, parents and siblings) particularly where there are currently or potentially business interactions relevant to NRW’s role and remit

There are six categories of interest:

  • Category 1 – Executive or Non-Executive Board, Committee or Trust Membership
  • Category 2 – Remunerated employment, trade, profession or vocations
  • Category 3 – Relevant Equity/Shareholdings
  • Category 4 – Land & Property
  • Category 5 – Political Activity
  • Category 6 – Any other interest (where the Executive Team member wishes to declare any other interest at their own discretion)
Last updated