Information Charging Schedule

The schedule is split into 4 parts that encompass the legislative requirements and the guidelines set out in the Welsh Government Code of Practice on Access to Information

  • Requests for ‘access’ to information that Natural Resources Wales holds
  • Requests for ‘access’ to personal information under the Data Protection Act
  • Requests to ‘re-use’ Natural Resources Wales information
  • Disbursements

We have adopted the Welsh Government Code of Practice for ‘Access’ to Information for responding to requests for access to our information and an interim charging schedule for responding to requests to re-use our information that brings together the existing policies of the Countryside Council for Wales, Environment Agency and Forestry Commission for the first year of operation.

This decision has been taken to ensure that existing levels of customer service are maintained while we bring the functions and existing data supply agreements of the founding bodies into Natural Resources Wales.

Requests for access to information that Natural Resources Wales holds

There is no fee to view our information on our web site or at our premises.

There is no charge for any request that takes up to 2 ½ days to assess and respond

Where a request goes over 2½ days (this is equivalent to the £450 limit set in the freedom of Information Act) it may be refused or charged at the rate of £25 per hour and charges may be for the full cost of the request.

We will notify you immediately if your request attracts charges

We will not normally provide information where the time to assess, collate and respond to goes beyond 10 days.

Requests to re-use Natural Resources Wales information:

Most Natural Resources Wales datasets and other information assets, when assessed as appropriate for re-use, are available free under the Open Government Licence or a Natural Resource Wales conditional licence.

When an information asset is chargeable we will inform you of the charge and free alternatives before you proceed.

Disbursements such as photocopying, postage and CDs

Natural Resources Wales will not normally charge for paper or CD copies of Natural Resources Wales material, but where large volumes are requested in these formats, disbursements may be charged at the following rates:

  • Print or photocopy: A3 or smaller 10p per sheet
  • Plotter Prints for Larger than A3: A1 £1 per copy; A0 £2 per copy
  • Postage: At the Post Office rate
  • Publications: At relevant cost as detailed in the publications list (link)

There will be no charge for disbursements that total less than £25.

Over £25, these charges may be applied. We will notify you immediately if your request attracts charges

Last updated