You'll need to send us your waste recovery plan when you:

  • are applying for a permit to deposit waste for recovery
  • want to change your waste recovery plan

We charge £800 to assess a new or revised waste recovery plan. This charge is separate to any permit application charge. 

New permit applications

We recommend that you send us your waste recovery plan before you apply for a permit. We will let you know if we agree that your proposed deposit is a waste recovery activity.

If you send us a waste recovery plan at the same time as your permit application and we determine that your activity is not recovery, you will lose both your permit application fee and your waste recovery plan assessment fee.

Changing your waste recovery plan

If you need to change your waste recovery plan, you must send us your amended plan for assessment and pay the £800 fee.

If we've already granted you a permit to deposit waste for recovery, you may also need to apply to vary (change) a permit for waste operations, particularly if you intend to:

  • accept different types of waste
  • change the volume of waste you want to deposit
  • change where or how the waste will be deposited
  • change your plan due to changes in your planning permission

You must wait for us to agree to your new waste recovery plan and varied permit before you change your activity or you may be in breach of your permit. 


Last updated