Environmental Permitting Regulations Guidance

Natural Resources Wales owns and maintains much of its own guidance. Where this is available you must look at this for activities being undertaken in Wales. However, in some circumstances we may continue to use guidance produced by the Environment Agency. Links will be provided to this guidance where applicable.

Our guidance for activities that come under the Environmental Permitting Regulations are divided into a number of categories. The sections below explain the types of guidance available. 

Horizontal guidance

The purpose of horizontal guidance is to provide information relevant to all sectors regulated under Environmental Permitting Regulations. For example, noise, odour, energy efficiency, or protection of land.

Read more about Horizontal Guidance

Regulatory Guidance Notes (RGNs)

RGNs are guidance documents to help permit holders understand definitions and terms used in the environmental permitting regulations (EPR).

Read more about Regulatory Guidance Notes

Environment Management System (EMS) Toolkits

Environmental management toolkits for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have been developed through working with relevant trade associations. You can use these to help put together your EMS.

Find out more about Environmental Management Systems

Guidance to help you comply with your environmental permit

Our Sector Guidance Notes (SGNs) aim to provide operators and our regulatory officers with advice on indicative standards of operation and environmental performance, relevant to the industrial sector concerned.

In addition to your specific sector guidance, Technical Guidance Notes (TGNs) describe the standards and measures you must use to control the most common risks of pollution from your activity. They are vital to help you understand how to comply with the conditions or rules of your permit.

Guidance to help you comply with your environmental permit.

Last updated