eSales details

  • NRW will present a number of Lots available for open tender sale, in one of 4 eSale events across a year, as Roadside Contract Lots, or as Standing Sale Contract Lots.
  • Bids, expressed in price per tonne, are submitted on all of the estimated volume in each lot.
  • Each lot will be for an individual contract, for an estimated volume of timber expressed in tonnes. Lot information will contain all of the relevant information required for a bidder to formulate a bid (maps, specific conditions).
  • New customers are expected to qualify for bidding through a Timber Sales Qualification Form, which will include a questionnaire on Health and Safety practices. Bids from unqualified customers will be discounted.
  • Conditional or variant bids will not be accepted. The specific conditions applicable to each lot are presented in the sale particulars.
  • We will award contracts to the highest bidder, meeting the qualifying criteria.
  • The typical length of these contracts will be up to 12 months. There may in certain circumstances be requirement for a contract duration to extend into a second year. This could be because of contract size or site-specific constraints affecting the timing of operations / timber production, by agreement of both parties.


Any standing sales hardwood contracts and hardwood roadside sale contracts will likely be offered for sale via eSales. This timber is typically marketed as a specific hardwood product (Log, chipwood, woodfuel).

Small roundwood

For a Roadside contract tender, small roundwood is defined as having a minimum top diameter of about 6cm under bark.

It is typically used for paper pulp, chipwood, animal bedding, mulch, biomass woodfuel. Any potential fencing material will have already been removed and sold separately.

Niche market timber

The Sales and Marketing Team is working to develop a customer base interested in:

  • Manufacture of timber products marketed of Welsh origin
  • Minor conifer species such as Douglas Fir, Western Hemlock and Red Cedar
  • Large diameter sawlogs with butt diameters greater than 70cm
  • Long length log poles cut to random lengths with top diameter greater than 30cm. We currently market timber such as long length (3.7m - 13.5m) Douglas Fir logs
  • Brash or chipped material for the biofuel market
  • Any specific niche products (hurleys, boat building products, log cabin etc)

To discuss your requirements, contact esales help and support


We receive many enquiries about sourcing timber for woodfuel and firewood, from the Welsh Government's Woodland Estate. We are not currently able to offer firewood for sale for domestic purposes and any Woodfuel parcels can only be purchased via lots offered during our eSales events. These woodfuel parcels will require further processing before onward sale to wholesale or domestic markets. Details of these events can be found on theĀ eSales web pages.

Last updated