Our education, learning and skills service

The land we own and manage land provides opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to learn in and about the environment and how it is sustainably managed now and for the future.

As well as our land, we have access to a wealth of evidence, data, maps and reports covering all aspects of our natural environment and its management. By working with partners, educators and learners we can provide an insight into the importance of looking after our air, land, water, wildlife, plants and soil in order to improve Wales’ well-being, and provide a better future for everyone. 

Whether you are looking for curriculum linked resources, complex data, training, networking opportunities, advice and guidance, research or specific site information, our specialist staff are available to help and support you. 

Our aim is to get more children, young people and adults to appreciate and connect with nature in order to ensure ethical and informed citizens of today and the future. 

These pages are currently under development, so look out for curriculum linked resources on a range of topics including water management, flooding, renewable energy, sustainable forest management, geology, waste and fly tipping, plus information about our Welsh Baccalaureate challenges, placements and advice for self-led groups using our land for learning.

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