Flood defence projects

We design, build and look after flood defence structures across Wales. Flood defence structures help protect against flooding from rivers or the sea. They include: 

  • embankments
  • walls
  • flood gates
  • culverts
  • and trash screens (which catch debris)


We spend around £17m a year on flood defence projects, prioritising communities most at risk. Our projects are largely funded by the Welsh Government. 

Our funding is confirmed on an annual basis. It is assessed by Welsh Government based on what schemes we are proposing to progress.

Four stages of each project

There are four stages each project has to go through:

  1. Appraisal – we make sure the project is technically, environmentally and economically feasible and can go ahead
  2. Design - we look at the design in detail and refine the plans, costs and specifications, making sure that the natural environment is looked after and improved wherever possible.
  3. Construction - the work is carried out on site
  4. Project closure - construction is complete and any outstanding costs are being paid

Each project has a forecast completion date. As with any major construction project, the forecast completion date can change because of the resources we have available, technical changes, the conditions on site and changes to our prioritisation.

Large projects currently underway 

View all flood defence projects

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