State of Natural Resources interim report 2019: SoNaRR 2020

Read the State of Natural Resources Report (SoNaRR) 2020, published December 2020

How we will present SoNaRR in 2020

The second SoNaRR report will be a series of web pages instead of a single document.

We'll present it at three levels.

Level 1

We'll focus on high level messages, headlines, conclusions and statements based on our review and analysis. We'll use infographics and visual tools to help present key messages.

Level 2

We'll include the narrative around the analysis of the evidence base leading to the conclusions in level 1.

It will be structured around eight ecosystems:

  • marine
  • coastal margins
  • freshwater
  • semi-natural grasslands
  • mountains moorlands and heaths
  • woodlands
  • enclosed farmland
  • urban

and seven cross-cutting themes:

  • air quality
  • water quality
  • land use and soils
  • resource efficiency
  • climate change
  • invasive non-native species
  • biodiversity

We'll set out the narrative around the five step method for assessing the sustainable management of natural resources.

We'll include the confidence we have in the assessments and a description of the quality assurance processes we use.

Level 3

We'll give access to specific data sources, relevant primary literature, or evidence synthesis reports. This could be rapid or systematic reviews. We'll provide any assumptions that sit beneath it.

We'll provide Level 3 through the sustainable management of natural resources information portal. It will display maps and reports built from our data.

The portal will provide a view on the evidence interpreted and used in the creation of SoNaRR 2020. Initially the maps and reports will be available as standalone information sources. In time, these will be linked so that they can be viewed together and filtered according to a set of themes.

Web pages will bring the assessments together in order to measure progress with the four measures of sustainable management of natural resources.

SoNaRR will conclude with suggestions towards, and the outlook for, Wales' sustainable management of natural resources.

Our vision

We want SoNaRR to show the conditions and trends of natural resources in Wales and the pressures acting on them.

SoNaRR should be used to:

  • Look ahead by identifying the opportunities and improve understanding of the challenges, including gaps in evidence, for sustainable natural resource management.
  • Prompt change by clearly stating what the priority issues are for natural resources in Wales and providing decision-makers with timely information that they can use to learn from successes and failures.
  • Provide a seamless link between local and national data that informs and guides how everyone in Wales cares for our natural resources.
  • Be open, accessible, easily understood and relevant for everyone to allow them to make their contribution to Wales' sustainable management of natural resources.

SoNaRR is produced by collaboration and co-production and using the best available existing evidence.

It will help society understand what benefits our natural resources provide and how their actions impact on the sustainable management of natural resources.

Working with you

We need your help.

We want to work with others to confirm what information is available.

We recognise that some of our evidence needs may have been filled but we may not be aware of the work that's been done.

Some of you may want to be more involved in the assessment or review processes.

If you think you can help us contact us at

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