State of Natural Resources interim report 2019: Assessment

Measuring sustainable management of our environment

We use four measures to assess how well we, in Wales, are using and managing natural resources.

They help us consider how well our natural resources are doing and whether the environment is able to adapt to change.

We also use them to look at whether the services Wales' natural resources give us - such as protection from flooding and clean air - help us live healthy lives.

The four measures include whether:

1. Natural resources are safeguarded and enhanced

2. Ecosystems are resilient to expected and unforeseen change

3. Wales has healthy places for people, protected from environmental risks

4. Wales is contributing to a circular economy with more efficient use of natural resources

Read more about what our four measures mean.

Using international frameworks

Our measures are set within the United Nations Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response framework.

This helps us consider what drives environmental change, its impact and possible solutions.

Our measures are set within the United Nations Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response framework. This helps us consider what drives environmental change, its impact and possible solutions.

In SoNaRR, we use this framework to:

  • Document the drivers and pressures on natural resources.
  • Assess whether the management of natural resources is sustainable under these pressures.
  • Assess how the state of natural resources affects ecosystem resilience and ecosystem services.
  • Set out a range of responses to make the management of natural resources more sustainable.

Sustainable management for sustainable development

Through SoNaRR, we look at how the environment, society and the economy are connected so we can address the seven Welsh well-being goals.

environment, society and economy

Our five step method

The SoNaRR five step method incorporates the United Nations Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response framework and the four measures of sustainable management of natural resources.

Read more about our five step method for assessing the state of natural resources in Wales.

Environment (Wales) Act

Part 1 of the Environment (Wales) Act is our legislative framework.

It puts the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity into Welsh Law.

The Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and Environment (Wales) Act reflect the United Nations approach.

They link to other legislation, such as the Planning and Heritage Acts.

The legislation is based on international best practice of the ecosystem approach.

It enables us to ensure natural resources and ecosystems are resilient and can provide benefits now, and for the future, through sustainable management.

The National Development Framework, the Wales National Marine Plan and land use and farming contribute to this plan.

Current challenges

Read more about the two interconnected challenges to Wales achieving the sustainable management of natural resources.

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Last updated