Our well-being statement

Natural resources in Wales are fantastic - rugged mountains and woodlands, beautiful landscapes and coastlines, and amazing wildlife.

They are vital for our survival and provide us with the basic things we need to live: clean air, clean water, and food. They create jobs for thousands of people like farmers, foresters, and tourist operators, creating wealth and prosperity.

They give us all a better quality of life and opportunities to enjoy the outdoors against a backdrop of Wales’ natural beauty and heritage. People come from far and wide to experience them. They are intrinsically linked with Welsh culture and language.

It’s our job in Natural Resources Wales (NRW) to look after these natural resources and what they provide for us: to help reduce the risk to people and properties of flooding and pollution; to look after special places for well-being, wildlife and timber; and to work with others to help us all to manage them sustainably. The people who work here in NRW have the knowledge, expertise, and passion to help make the sustainable management of natural resources a reality.

Our Well-being Objectives will outline how we plan on doing this:

1. Champion the Welsh environment and the sustainable management of Wales’ natural resources
2. Ensure land and water in Wales is managed sustainably and in an integrated way
3. Improve the resilience and quality of our ecosystems
4. Reduce the risk to people and communities from environmental hazards like flooding and pollution
5. Help people live healthier and more fulfilled lives
6. Promote successful and responsible business, using natural resources without damaging them
7. Develop NRW into an excellent organisation delivering first class customer service

Wellbeing statement (PDF 982.7KB)

Last updated