St Asaph – Planning and insurance

Home Insurance

Properties at risk from an extreme flood event are categorised as low risk – from 0.01 percent to less than 1% chance of flooding in any given year.

Insurance companies that are members of the Association of British Insurers will continue to provide cover to existing policyholders - provided the standard of protection is 1.3 percent chance or better.

The St Asaph flood scheme will initially provide a standard of protection equivalent to a 0.5 percent chance of flooding in any given year reducing to 1 percent in 2025 in line with current climate change guidance.

For more information please read our Flood Insurance Fact Sheet.

Planning Applications

Those parts of St Asaph that are at risk of an extreme flood event only (0.01 percent – less than 1 percent) do not currently benefit from the existing flood defences, as defined by Welsh Government’s Development Advice Maps (DAM).

Any new development proposals within such flood risk areas will need to be supported by, and informed by, appropriate flood consequence assessments as required by current Welsh Planning Policy (TAN15: Development and Flood Risk).

Following completion of the new flood defence scheme, we will consider updating our flood map information to reflect changes associated with the scheme. We will also share our updated flood risk information with the Welsh Government, so that they can consider updating the DAM.

We are consulted on a variety of planning applications and consultations from a range of decision-making bodies, including:

  • Local planning authorities
  • The Planning Inspectorate
  • Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)
  • Marine Management Organisation
  • Welsh Government

Other Applications

For works in, under, over or within 7m of a ‘Main River’ (eg the River Elwy) flood defence consent is required from our specialists.

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