Ely Bridge Flood Risk Management Scheme

The scheme

We’ve completed this scheme to reduce the risk of flooding to 490 properties in Ely and Fairwater.

Flood risk increases significantly when Cowbridge Road bridge (A48) over the River Ely is partially blocked with debris, particularly trees and other large objects. If the bridge is kept clear, more water is able to pass beneath and downstream, reducing the risk of flooding to the surrounding area.

We’ve constructed a ‘tree catcher’ to catch trees and other large floating debris safely before it can make its way down to the bridge. As water levels rise during a flood, debris trapped by the poles will float on the water surface, allowing water to pass beneath and continue downstream.

The scheme was completed in December 2021 and was funded by Welsh Government.

What does the 'tree catcher' involve?

The tree catcher consists of seven poles in a staggered arrangement across the river, spaced widely to target large debris that would otherwise be trapped at the bridge. 

As water levels rise during a flood event, debris trapped by the poles will float on the water surface, allowing water to pass beneath and continue downstream. 

By trapping debris at a safe location upstream of Ely Bridge, the risk of flooding is reduced.

Rocks have been placed around the poles to protect them from erosion. The riverbed remains at the same level.

An access ramp and processing area has been constructed to make it easier for our operatives to remove the blockages and cut them up for disposal. The build up of debris will be actively monitored using a CCTV camera.

We've also planted native species to screen the area and provide habitat for wildlife.​


For more information please contact us.

Last updated