Flood Risk Management Committee (FRMC) – Specific terms of reference


The Flood Risk Management Committee (FRMC) is a standing committee whose principal role is to advise the Board on flood risk investment, management and proposals. 


The FRMC assists the Board to fulfil a number of NRW’s statutory flood risk management functions in accordance with Section 106 of the Water Resources Act 1991. 

Its primary functions are to provide scrutiny and approval of the flood risk management capital programme allocations, advising the Board on overall performance of the flood (capital) provisions. The Committee also provides scrutiny and oversight of reservoir safety.


To provide advice to the Executive Team, and make recommendations to the NRW Board as appropriate, on:

  • the current and medium-term flood risk management investment programmes of NRW, particularly to help ensure that evidence-based investment decisions are made, value for money is achieved, and full utilisation of available budgets is made;
  • other key flood risk management issues on a ‘needs-be’ basis;
  • the proposals for rates and levies or Internal Drainage Districts, which are currently set annually;
  • oversight of reservoir safety.


The FRMC will meet quarterly, typically including January and June to assist the programming and budgetary cycle. Additional meetings may be convened as required.

The meetings will be supported by the Secretariat team, the Flood Strategic Planning & Investment team and members of the Finance team. 


Members of FRMC should not normally also be members of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC) to maintain separation and minimise possible conflicts of interest. However, where this is not possible or there is a strong case for members to sit on both committees due to their specific areas of expertise, suitable arrangements should be made to manage any conflicts of interest. For example, the committee member may need to absent themselves from any discussions at ARAC pertaining to Flood capital funding.

Terms of Reference agreed: September 2021

Last updated