Permit variation for Nine Mile Point Waste Transfer Facility issued

A variation to an environmental permit, has been issued to the operators of the waste transfer facility at Nine Mile Point Industrial Estate, Cwmfelinfach, Caerphilly.

The variation will allow the operator, Drumcastle Limited, to remove the combustion of natural gas and the drum drying of waste.

It will also allow an activated carbon filter to be installed, helping to reduce potential odour released from the site.

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) issued the permit variation following a thorough assessment of the information supplied by the applicants and the responses to two public consultations held in April and September 2022.

Note: Separately from the determination of the application to vary the environmental permit for the nine mile point site, Natural Resources Wales have assessed the operators compliance with the pre-operational measures that were required in table S1.4 of the existing permit, and we are satisfied that these measures have been met.

Background information

The existing environmental permit was successfully transferred from Hazrem Environmental to the new operators Drumcastle Limited in January 2022 following the necessary checks and procedures.

Drumcastle Limited already held an existing environmental permit allowing them to treat non-hazardous household, commercial and industrial waste to produce solid recovered and refuse derived fuel.

The permit was issued on 13 October 2022. 

You can view the decision document on the public register:

Public register - Customer Portal (

Last updated