New control of agricultural pollution regulations

Ceri Davies, NRW’s Executive Director for Evidence, Policy and Permitting said:

“NRW welcomes the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs’ announcement of the new control of agricultural pollution regulations that will help in driving action to tackle nitrate pollution.

“Even with a steady decline in the last two years, in 2020 we saw 141 confirmed pollution incidents in Wales, impacting on our rivers in Wales.

“We are committed to tackling all pollution through consistent and clear regulation.

"Only through a combination of advice, guidance, improving knowledge and skills as well as innovation and investment can we expect to reduce the risk of all forms of agricultural pollution and protect our environment whilst at the same time supporting farming to be a sustainable and thriving industry for the future.

“We have made great strides in recent years working with others to tackle the issues that impact on the river environment.  We will continue to work together with farmers, agricultural bodies, anglers, regulators, water companies, conservationists and Welsh Government to build on the progress made.”

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