Environmental Improvement Programme

We're hiring! We're currently seeking ambitious and passionate environmental experts to be part of our new Environmental Improvement Programme that will deliver projects to protect our environment and enhance biodiversity across Wales.

Are you confident, enthusiastic and organised, as well as a willing team player with excellent people skills?

Are you passionate about the environment?

Do you have expertise in the marine, terrestrial or freshwater environments and their use and management?

Do you have experience in working with others to develop and deliver projects and would like to work as part of an exciting programme of work protect our environment and enhance biodiversity across Wales?

We'd love to hear from you!

What’s it all about?

There is growing evidence globally about the climate and nature emergency that we are facing – in Wales, 1 in 6 of our terrestrial species are at risk of extinction, only 40% of our surface waters meet the required European water quality standards and our marine ecosystem has been impacted by a range of historic and current pressures. Biodiversity and water is fundamental to all ecosystems, defining them, underpinning their functioning, resilience and ability to deliver benefits. It is therefore essential to our economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being.

Welsh Government has recently committed capital funding for 2020/2021 to deliver environmental improvements across land and sea in Wales. This is an exciting opportunity to drive forwards targeted improvements for example to Wales’ Natura 2000 network, water quality and peatland habitats.

Why NRW?

Our purpose in NRW is to pursue the sustainable management of natural resources. We are committed to supporting Government in addressing the climate and nature emergencies. We are putting in place a number of posts to deliver identified projects, as well as providing expert advice and support to Welsh Government and others to ensure that an effective programme of work is delivered next year that will make a real difference to the environment in Wales.

What posts are available?

The first five jobs in the programme are now live and available to apply for on our website. A second tranche will be posted over the coming weeks, keep an eye on this blog post for further details.

We welcome applications for multiple posts (one application form per post) as well as applications for secondments. If you are interested in a secondment, please discuss with your employer and contact NRW as soon as possible.

Advisor: Marine Protected Area Management: You will provide strategic advice on actions required to improve the condition of marine Natura 2000 sites around Wales.

Specialist Advisor: Sustainable Water Capital Fund: You will coordinate and oversee work within NRW to deliver water quality improvements through the WG capital fund for water quality improvements.

Lead Specialist Advisor, Peatland National Action Programme: You will develop and lead the implementation of a £1.5M programme of peatland habitat restoration across Wales.

Natura 2000 Sustainable Management Project Advisor (7 posts): You will work in one of NRW’s Area Teams providing advice relating to the sustainable management of Natura 2000 sites.

Natura 2000 Sustainable Management Programme Leader : You will oversee NRW’s programme of work to support the Welsh Government’s Sustainable Management of Natura 2000 project ,to help tackle the Nature Emergency, reversing biodiversity decline.

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