Register of Interests - Executive Team

The Executive Team are asked to declare any individual interests or of those of any close family (defined as partner, children, parents and siblings) particularly where there are currently or potentially business interactions relevant to NRW’s role and remit.

There are six categories of interest:

  • Category 1 – Executive or Non-Executive Board, Committee or Trust membership
  • Category 2 – Remunerated employment, trade, profession or vocations
  • Category 3 – Relevant Equity/Shareholdings
  • Category 4 – Land & Property
  • Category 5 – Political Activity
  • Category 6 – Any other interest (where the Executive Team member wishes to declare any other interest at their own discretion)

The Register will be kept under review by the Governance Team.

Table of Declaration of interests by the Executive Team June 2022

Name Position Interest Individual Role

Clare Pillman

Chief Executive

Land / Property


Resident in an area that may be considered for a proposed new National Park.

Ceri Davies

Executive Director of Evidence, Policy and Permitting

Executive or Non-Executive Board, Committee or Trust Membership


Member of the FLEXIS Advisory Board, Welsh European Funding Office funded project supporting energy research in Wales.

Ceri Davies

Executive Director of Evidence, Policy and Permitting



Member of the Chartered Institute of Waste Management

Prys Davies

Executive Director of Corporate Strategy and Development

Executive or Non-Executive Board, Committee or Trust Membership


School Governor, Ysgol Pencae, Cardiff

Gareth O’Shea

Executive Director of Operations

No interests to declare



Rachael Cunningham

Executive Director of Finance & Corporate Services

Executive or Non-Executive Board, Committee or Trust Membership


Trustee of Chwarae Teg Charity

Sarah Jennings

Executive Director of Communications, Customer and Commercial

Executive or Non-Executive Board, Committee or Trust Membership


Trustee of National Botanic Garden of Wales

Sarah Jennings

Executive Director of Communications, Customer and Commercial

Executive or Non-Executive Board, Committee or Trust Membership


Trustee of Community Foundation Wales

Last updated