Area Statements and water

We want to hear from you

These pages are being continuously updated, enabling stakeholders to get a better understanding of how Area Statements applies to their particular areas of work.

To learn more about joining us, and others, to tackle the challenges within the water environment, e-mail the Integrated Water Planning Team at: 

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Water and Area Statements

The regulations that are included in both the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 and the Well-being of Future Generations Act 2015 have been put in place to help integrate sustainable water management into plans and policies. 

This legislation means Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and our partners will need to consider water in a wider setting by identifying the issues, considering potential solutions and taking preventative actions.

Area Statements outline the key challenges (or themes) facing a particular Welsh location, what we can all do to meet those challenges, and how we can better manage our natural resources for the benefit of future generations.

They will be updated regularly and improved year-on-year as we engage with more people, gather new evidence, put forward ideas and work across boundaries.

Discover Area Statement themes

Collaborative work

We work with a broad range of water stakeholders across Wales to identify the root causes of water environment problems and find long-term solutions.

Wales Water Management Forum

Find out how the Wales Water Management Forum (WWMF) provides an opportunity for the forum's membership organisations to share evidence and explore opportunities for working together to achieve the sustainable management of water in Wales.

River basin management plans

River basin management plans give everyone concerned within river basin districts in Wales a measure of certainty about the future of water management in that area. 

Read the River Basin Management Plans 2015-2021.

Contribute to the 2021-2027 plans when we consult later this year.

Case studies

Find out how we’re working with the National Trust to pursue sustainable management of the water environment in the Upper Conwy Catchment Project and Tawe Catchment Trial.

Current status of water bodies in Wales

Water Watch Wales provides you with the current status of water bodies in Wales.

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