Results for "waste"
- Waste
- Waste projects
Waste reports
View reports and data about how waste is managed in Wales.
Waste permitting
Information about waste permitting, how to apply for an environmental permit and register or renew a waste exemption
Waste management
Guidance for waste operators, how to report fly tipping and the waste duty of care
The LIFE Smart Waste project
It's a 5-year project to demonstrate innovative ways of understanding, tackling and reducing waste-related crime.
Wales waste data 2012
The ‘Wales Waste Data 2012’ is a summary of the types and quantities of waste handled by permitted waste management facilities in Wales during 2012.
Wales waste data 2013
The ‘Wales Waste Data 2013’ is a summary of the types and quantities of waste handled by permitted waste management facilities in Wales during 2013.
Depositing waste for recovery
Depositing waste for recovery is when you use waste material instead of non-waste material. Instead of the waste being disposed of, it is being recovered.
Prepare a waste recovery plan
When you apply to for a permit to deposit waste for recovery, you must send us a waste recovery plan.
Guidance on importing and exporting waste
If you intend to export or import waste (from or into the UK) a range of regulatory controls apply
Urban waste water
Find information about how we manage urban waste water.
How to classify and assess waste
You should use this guidance if you produce, manage or regulate waste. When completing waste documentation, the waste must be classified using a code
Waste duty of care for organisations
If you produce, import, carry, keep, treat or dispose of waste you have legal responsibilities for this waste. This is known as your duty of care
Completing waste transfer notes
Guidance for businesses on how to complete waste transfer notes for non-hazardous waste.
Disposing of your household waste
As a householder, you have a waste duty of care. This means that you must transfer your waste to someone authorised to accept it
Submit your waste return
How operators with an environmental permit must report to us the waste they have received or removed from their site
- Senior Industry and Waste Regulation Specialist
- Waste Regulation Officer (Producer Responsibility)
- Senior Specialist Lawyer – Waste Reform