Find details of the proposed charges on our consultation hub on the Citizen Space website.

This consultation has now closed. NRW will use the feedback from the public consultation to inform our new charging schemes, which we intend to implement from 1 April 2023, subject to Ministerial approval.

If your discharge of effluent can’t be registered with us as exempt, you will need an Environmental Permit.  These discharges can include:

  • Discharges of trade effluent to ground or to surface water
  • Discharges of mixed effluent (trade and sewage) to ground or to surface water
  • Discharges to groundwater via a borehole, well or other deep structure.
  • Discharges to water from a heat exchanger into surface water

If you’re looking to discharge domestic sewage effluent please see our webpage Apply for a permit to discharge domestic sewage

Apply for an Environmental Permit to discharge trade or mixed effluents

To apply for an Environmental Permit to discharge trade or mixed effluents, you will need to complete our online application form B6.

If you need advice before you make an application for a permit please use our pre-application advice service

Apply for an Environmental Permit to discharge to groundwater via a borehole, well or other deep structure

To apply for an Environmental Permit to discharge, you will need to complete our online application form B6

If you need advice before you make an application for a permit please use our pre-application advice service

Apply for a permit to discharge water from a heat exchanger into surface water

To apply for an Environmental Permit to discharge water from a heat exchanger into surface water, you will need to complete our application form B1. See our page Apply for a permit to discharge water from a heat exchanger into surface water

If you need advice before you make an application for a permit please use our pre-application advice service

Fees and charges

You will need to pay an application fee for this Environmental Permit and there will be an ongoing annual charge to cover our costs of maintaining and reviewing your permit, ensuring that you comply with the permit conditions and monitoring the water body that you discharge into.

Read more about fees and charges in our environmental permitting charging scheme.

Last updated