Other permissions you may need for your abstraction or impoundment

Find details of the proposed charges on our consultation hub on the Citizen Space website.

This consultation has now closed. NRW will use the feedback from the public consultation to inform our new charging schemes, which we intend to implement from 1 April 2023, subject to Ministerial approval.

In addition to an abstraction licence and/or impoundment licence, you may need other permissions or consents, depending on individual circumstances, before you can proceed with your abstraction or impoundment.

We have provided a short list and summary of the other permissions frequently required below. This list is not exhaustive, and it is your responsibility to check you have all permission required for your proposed activity.

Planning permission

You may require planning permission before you can go ahead with your proposed activity. We strongly recommend that you contact your local authority as soon as possible to determine the planning permission required, and to discuss any potential issues.

Flood Risk Activity Permit

For works in, near, over or under a main river or flood defence (including a sea defence), or within a flood plain, you will need to apply for a Flood Risk Activity Permit (previously called a Flood Defence Consent).

Read more about flood risk activities.

European Protected Species Licence

If your proposal has the potential to affect a European Protected Species (during construction for example) then you may require a separate EPS licence from us.

Read more about protected species and relevant licences.

Fish Pass Approval

If your proposal includes a formal fish pass, for example a Larinier Fish pass, you may need formal fish pass approval.

Read more about fish passes and obtaining approval.

Environmental Permit for discharges to surface water or groundwater

If you want to discharge water or effluent to surface water or groundwater, you might need a permit to authorise the discharge.

Read more about water discharge permits

Reservoirs Act

Large raised reservoirs with a capacity of 10,000 cubic metres or more above ground must be registered with us.

If your reservoir is capable of holding 10,000 cubic metres or more, then the Reservoirs Act 1975 will become applicable and a specialist design and construction procedure is required.

You can use an All Reservoirs Panel Engineer to carry out any reservoir activities that require a qualified civil engineer, including construction, supervision and inspection.

Find a list of panel engineers on the Gov.uk website.

For more information, see our reservoir pages or contact:

Reservoir Safety team: reservoirs@naturalresourceswales.gov.uk.

Last updated