Guidance on requirements for Release from Radioactive Substances Regulation

NRW, Environment Agency and Scottish Environmental Protection Agency have jointly produced these guidance documents.

The guidance explains what operators of nuclear sites need to do to surrender their permit when all activities involving the management of radioactive waste have ceased.

Operators should consult this guidance when they are planning and carrying out their work to decommission and clean-up their sites. It applies to all sites, whether or not they have already begun decommissioning and clean-up. It also needs to be taken into account when new sites are being designed or constructed.

The guidance requires operators to:

  • produce a waste management plan
  • produce a site-wide environmental safety case
  • make sure the condition of their site meets our standards for protection of people and the environment, now and into the future

It sets out our standards and requirements and explains the regulatory process that leads to a decision on whether to:

  • authorise on-site disposal of radioactive waste arising from decommissioning and clean-up, and
  • allow the nuclear site operator to surrender their environmental permit

Visit Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) for a full list of guidance documents.

Last updated