Change, transfer or cancel a flood risk activity permit

Change (vary) your permit

To change address or contact details

Changing or adding things to your permit

Transfer your permit

A flood risk activity permit is location specific. If you sell your land you can’t take your permit with you and continue the permitted activity at your new location.

You will need to transfer your permit to the new owners.

If you are not the landowner, but no longer have an interest in the land for which you hold a flood risk activity permit, you will either need to transfer ownership to a new permit holder who will continue with the activity, or surrender your permit.

Complete application form D8 to transfer your permit.

Cancel (surrender) your permit

You can cancel your permit or part of your permit at any time. This is known as ‘surrendering’ your permit.

Complete application form E8 to cancel your permit.

  • You only need to surrender your permit if it is stated within your permit.
  • There may be a charge if your permit has ongoing conditions.

We can refuse an application to surrender a permit if we feel the ongoing conditions must be maintained to ensure proper operation of the permitted structure.

Appealing our decision

You may appeal if an application to surrender is refused and you think it has been withheld unreasonably, or that surrender has been granted with conditions you feel are inappropriate.

Appeals are normally dealt with by Welsh Ministers. Please contact us if you would like more information about the appeals process.

Last updated