Appendix 3 Fact sheet for additional sensitives to Planting

Existing Woodland 

Total area in Wales- 311,621 ha 

What the layer shows

Woodland in this instance describes any area of land, in both rural and urban locations, which is greater than 0.5 hectares, is wider than 20m at its narrowest point, and has a wooded canopy across at least 20% of its area. Felled areas of woodland are included in this, unless there has been a permanent change of land-use, or the area has not been re-afforested for more than 10 years. 

Impact on a GWC application

As this Glastir scheme supports new woodland creation it is not available for areas of existing woodland. 


  • Exclude any areas of existing woodland from your plan

Data notes 

The National Forest Inventory 2015 was used to identify existing woodland. Inform Welsh Government via RPW online if you feel an area has been wrongly recorded as existing woodland. 

Useful information 

Other Glastir schemes may be available for areas of existing woodland

Last updated