How to complete a hazardous waste consignment note

In most cases, if you move hazardous waste to or from any location within Wales you must prepare a hazardous waste consignment note for each movement.

Consignment notes ensure that there is an audit trail from when the waste is produced until it is disposed of. 

If you are moving hazardous waste from outside Wales into Wales, follow the guidance in place in the country the waste originated.

If the waste is not hazardous, you will need a waste transfer note instead.

Who must complete each part of the consignment note

The note consists of five parts A-E.

  • Part A records details of the origin and destination of the waste
  • Part B records information about the waste, the activity that produced it, its composition, properties and its packaging
  • Part C is the carrier's certification
  • Part D is the certification of the person who causes the waste to be moved (consignor)
  • Part E is the receiver (consignee's) certification

Each part must be completed by every person or business involved in moving the waste, at the right time.

If you:

  • create the waste you are the hazardous waste producer. You must complete parts A and B before the waste is removed
  • store or hold waste - created by you or someone else - you are the holder. You must complete parts A and B before the waste is removed
  • collect or transport hazardous waste you are the carrier. You must complete part C before the waste is removed
  • cause the hazardous waste to be removed from the site you are the consignor - usually the consignor is the producer or holder, but a broker or dealer may act for a producer or holder. You must complete Part D, but not before the carrier arrives to collect the waste
  • receive hazardous waste for recovery or disposal you are the consignee. You must complete Part E

Download the consignment note template

Download a consignment note template and continuation sheet:

Consignment note template.

Consignment note continuation sheet.

How to complete the consignment note

Part A1: consignment note code

If you are a registered producer, or your waste is being moved by a mobile services operator and taken back to your service premises:

  • you'll have been given a six character premises code when you registered with us
  • the consignment note code must be your premises code followed by five letters or numbers
  • if 'ABC123' was the code we sent you when you registered your premises with us, the consignment note code would be ABC123/XXXXX - 'X' is a random set of letters or numbers which makes the code unique

If your premises are exempt (i.e. you are not a registered producer):

  • the consignment note code must start with 'EXE' followed by eight letters or numbers e.g. EXEXXX/XXXXX - 'X' is a random set of letters or numbers which makes the code unique

If the waste is removed from a fly-tip:

  • the consignment note code must begin with 'FLY'
  • follow this with eight letters or numbers e.g. FLYXXX/XXXXX - 'X' is a random set of letters or numbers which makes the code unique

It's important you use the unique code only once - do not use it again for other movements of hazardous waste.

Part A2: the place the hazardous waste is being removed from

You must provide a postcode. If your site does not have a postcode, give the nearest full postcode to the site.

Part A3: premises code

  • If your premises is registered with us, enter the premises code
  • If your premises are exempt from registration, enter 'EXEMPT'
  • If you are operating as a mobile service you should enter 'MOBILE'

Part A4: where the waste will be taken

Specify where the hazardous waste is going. Include the name and full address of the consignee (the person receiving the waste).

Part A5: who the waste producer was

State who the waste producer was, if it's different from the details in A2. For example, if the waste is asbestos and a contractor produced it at your facility, you need to identify the asbestos contractor as the waste producer and enter their business address.

You do not need to tell us about the previous producer if the waste was originally produced elsewhere and you are the current holder.

Part B1: description of the waste

Provide a full written description of the process that created the waste. 

If you are moving more than one hazardous waste produced by more than one process, describe the main production process involved in creating the waste.

Part B2: SIC for the process creating the waste

Enter the Standard industry Classification (SIC) for the process that created the waste. For consignment note completion we will either accept SIC 2003 or SIC 2007.

Part B3: waste details for each type of hazardous waste you are having collected

  • Description of waste: you need to provide a full written description of every hazardous waste being collected.
  • List of Wastes (EWC) code (six characters): each separate hazardous waste requires a specific EWC code. The code should match the waste description and the business or process that produced it. Coding and classification of waste is the responsibility of the waste producer/holder. Go to how to classify and assess waste on GOV.UK.
  • Quantity (kg): you must give the total weight, in kilograms, for each hazardous waste with an EWC code that is to be transported.
  • The chemical/biological components of the waste and their concentrations are: include details of the chemical or biological parts of the waste, and their concentrations. For many products this will be listed in the Safety Data Sheet.
  • Physical form (gas, liquid, solid, powder, sludge or mixed): Enter the form that best describes the waste.
  • Hazard code(s): You must list the hazards present for each waste according to the Hazardous Properties list. Use the code ‘POP’ for persistent organic pollutants.  Find the hazard code in how to classify and assess waste on GOV.UK.
  • Container type, number and size: you must give the number and size of each container of hazardous waste.
  • UN identification number(s), Proper shipping name(s), UN Class(es), Packing group(s) and Special handling requirements: get more information on carriage of dangerous goods from the Health and Safety Executive.

Part C: carrier’s certificate

As the waste carrier, you must check that the details in Part A and B are correct.

All carriers must then complete sections 1, 2 and 3.

If the consignment forms part of a multiple collection, you, as the carrier, must enter details of that multiple round in Part C of each note. The round number is common to each collection in the multiple round and can be made up of any 15 letters or numbers. The collection number is the sequential number of the collection.

When the vehicle reaches the consignee, the consignee will enter the total number of consignments forming the collection in Part E.

Part D: consignor’s certificate

As a consignor, you should not fill in Part D before the carrier has arrived to collect the waste.

Give a copy of the consignment note to the person that has signed this section (the consignor).

Part E: consignee’s certificate

When you receive hazardous waste from a waste carrier you must first check that it fits the description provided in Part B of the consignment note.

Where waste is rejected please provide details. You may be committing an offence if you do not reject hazardous waste that arrives at your site with a consignment note that is incomplete or incorrect.

When you have an incomplete or incorrect consignment note you must:

  • complete part E of the consignment note, enter the waste(s) you are rejecting and the reason
  • keep one copy of the note
  • give one copy to the carrier
  • make copies of the note and send one to each of the consignor, producer and holder (they may be the same) immediately

You may only accept the hazardous waste if the producer or carrier of the hazardous waste:

  • produces a new consignment note that is complete and correct
  • address the reasons why the waste was rejected

Find guidance on the rejection process, including filling in a new consignment note.

Certifying the waste permit/exempt waste operation

Enter the reference number for the environmental permit you hold, or enter your exemption reference number or other authorisation.

You must then sign and date the consignment note and hand one copy to the waste carrier.

When you don't need a consignment note for your hazardous waste

In most cases you can move domestic hazardous waste from a home without a consignment note. However, contractors moving asbestos from a domestic property will need to use consignment notes.

There are a small number of activities at certain locations where you do not have to complete a consignment note, e.g. parts of a highway where spillages are cleaned up or places on railway tracks where maintenance works are carried out. Go to the list of all exempt places and activities.

If you are importing or exporting hazardous waste under the International Waste Shipments rules, you do not need a consignment note for the part of the movement covered by the Trans-frontier Shipment of Waste Paperwork.

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