Completing waste transfer notes

Every time you, as a business, transfer non-hazardous waste to another business, both you and the person receiving the waste must complete a waste transfer note.

Completed notes give people who handle the waste information they need to manage it safely and properly.

It is illegal to collect, or have waste collected, without valid waste transfer documentation in place.

Waste transfer note format

There is no standard waste transfer note format, but you can use this waste transfer note template on GOV.UK.

Whether you use the template or produce your own note, it must contain:

  • a description of the waste in words and as a code. Find the code in guidance on the classification and assessment of waste
  • how the waste is contained or packaged eg sacks or skips
  • the quantity of the waste
  • the name, address, permit or exemption details of the business transferring the waste, and their Standard Industry Code (SIC)
  • the name, address, permit or exemption details of the business collecting the waste
  • the date of, and place where, the waste transfer happened
  • the details of any waste broker or dealer who arranged the waste transfer

Both parties must complete a waste transfer note each time non-hazardous waste is transferred between them.

Annual waste transfer notes

This is a single note that covers multiple transfers over a period of up to a year. It is often called a season ticket.

Your business can use one season ticket if all the following stay the same:

  • the parties involved in the transfer - the waste producer and the waste carrier or waste management site
  • the description of the waste being transferred
  • the place where the waste is transferred from one person to the other

You will need to complete a new waste transfer note if any of these conditions change.

You also need to keep a separate record of the date and amount of waste transferred under the annual note. This can be done by noting each transfer on a separate spreadsheet or as part of your invoicing or weighbridge records.

Keeping waste transfer notes

You should keep copies of waste transfer notes for at least two years. Your business and the business taking your waste must be able to show it to us or your local authority if asked.

If you are a waste carrier, you do not need to carry the notes on your vehicle.


As a householder, you do not need to complete a waste transfer note for waste produced at your home. Completing the transfer note is the responsibility of the person that collects the waste from you.

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Last updated