Standard Rules Consultation no 15: Medium Combustion Plant and Specified Generators

This consultation is now closed.


We offer standard permits under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016. These permits help reduce the administrative burden on business whilst maintaining environmental standards. They are based on sets of standard rules that can be applied widely.

Links to the consultation document, proposed and revised standard rules and generic risk assessments can be found at the bottom of this page.

Why We Are Consulting

We would like to hear your views on our proposed changes to the standard rule sets for tranche B specified generators. These proposals are to amend the rules to include new medium combustion plant (MCP). We also propose an amendment to standard rule SR2018 No.7 for new MCP.

This consultation will close on 31st January 2020.

We aim to publish the new standard rules set in March 2020.

Consultation description

We plan to change the standard rules sets SR2018 No 1 to 6 and SR2018 No 8 to accommodate specified generators that may include new medium combustion plant.

We also propose to amend standard rules set SR2018 No 7 for new MCP to expand the number of scenarios within the rules.

See the consultation document for the specific amendments.

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