We are required by Government to recover the costs of delivering our regulatory services, from those we regulate, rather than being funded by general taxation. This accounts for approximately 20% of Natural Resources Wales total funding.  We are open and transparent about how our fees and charges are structured, as well as how the funds collected are then used.  

Our Fees and Charges Scheme is reviewed regularly to ensure that our costs are covered, and technical requirements are being met. As a result of our review we have identified some under recovery and are proposing an increase to waste, installations, metal recovery facilities and European Union Emissions Trading Scheme charges. We also need to increase the abstraction standard unit charge to cover infrastructure investment. Other proposals we are consulting on include changes to the hourly rate for the control of major accidents and hazards (COMAH) regulations, amendments to the medium combustion plant directive and introducing a fixed fee for assessing waste recovery plans. We are also making some policy changes which are outlined in this consultation under section 5, ‘Other matters to note’. All other statutory schemes will remain at 2018/19 levels. 

After this annual review we intend to carry out a strategic review of our charging scheme to ensure regulation in Wales is sustainable and delivers long term outcomes. While we undertake this review our intention is to keep the annual review of charges to a minimum in the short term unless essential changes are needed. 

How to respond 

Please submit your comments to us by the 14 January 2019. 

You can reply in the following ways: 

Email - 


Post - 

Future Regulation Team – Fees and Charges Consultation

Natural Resources Wales
Maes y Ffynnon
LL57 2DW

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