This is the second statutory consultation under the Water Framework Directive that will feed into the third River Basin Management Plans and the next State of Natural Resources Report (SoNaRR 2) under the Environment Act. This consultation has been produced to share an overview of the significant water management issues identified across Wales’ River Basin Districts. It will inform measures required to secure the necessary improvements and to share evidence around where action is required. 

By being involved you can take an active role to help to protect and deliver further improvements to ensure the sustainability, health and resilience of Wales’ water environment. 

Start date:   22 June 2019      End Date:   22 December 2019 

A River Basin District is a group of catchments that contain a collection of rivers, lakes, groundwater and coastal waters. We would like your views on the issues affecting Wales, Western Wales River Basin District (entirely in Wales) and the Dee River Basin District (cross border with England). The Environment Agency lead on publishing for the Severn River Basin District consultation and will publish this in October 2019. 

We would like you to tell us your views on:

  • Any additional evidence that we should include in the preparation of the Area Statements and SoNaRR 2
  • The options for resolving the significant water management issues (the challenges)
  • Your suggestions to address the issues identified in the river basin district (the choices)
  • The opportunities that can be identified to address the issues during the development of the Area Statements

How to respond:

Complete the response form and email to: 

Let us know if you would like a copy of any of the Area Statement profiles, if they are available.  If you would like to discuss any of the profiles directly, get in touch via


Jill Brown,
Evidence, Policy & Permitting Directorate,
Natural Resources Wales,
Tŷ Cambria,
29 Newport Road,
CF24 0TP.