To help inform our review we are calling for evidence from interested parties on the use of firearms on NRW managed land. We are seeking evidence that helps us test if shooting activities help us to deliver our purpose in line with the principles of Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and if it contributes to the well-being goals of the Well-Being and Future Generations Act 2015.

NRW has a number of roles and responsibilities where firearms are used in accordance with a variety of existing protocols, standards and guidance.

  • As a land manager we need to limit damage from pests to protect delivery of our land management objectives including the conservation of protected and priority species and habitats and productive capacity
  • We also consider proposals from third parties for activities on the land that we manage
  • There are relevant circumstances involving the use of shooting where we are the provider of Statutory Nature Conservation Advice
  • We act as the regulator for relevant permit applications for land in other ownership

With the introduction of new legislation we want to be sure that the use of firearms is undertaken for the right reasons, in the right circumstances and in the best way possible.

A number of interested parties have recently expressed concern over animal welfare issues connected to pheasant shooting on land that we manage. We are reviewing the use of firearms to include the consideration, viability and consequences of alternative approaches.

How to respond

Please submit your evidence to: 

Or by post to :

Shooting Review
Natural Resources Wales
c/o Customer Care Centre
Ty Cambria 29 Newport Rd
Cardiff CF24 0TP

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