Consultation on Changes to water abstraction licensing exemptions (New Authorisations)

About this consultation

The consultation closed on 8th April 2016 with 86 responses received. The summary of consultation responses was published on 29th September 2016.

The response to the consultation, which provides details of the final approach and next steps, was published on 2 November 2017.

The consultation is in two parts; Part 1 sets out the UK and Welsh Governments’ response to the 2009 consultation on implementing the abstraction elements of the Water Act 2003 and Part 2 is a further consultation on revised elements of the proposed policy.

How to respond

We welcome your views on our intended policy approach to end most abstraction exemptions and bring these abstractions (referred to as ‘New Authorisations’) into the water abstraction licensing system.

The consultation document is available at:

Please complete the online consultation survey. Alternatively you can return your responses to Welsh Government by email at or by post to:

New Authorisations
Water Branch
Welsh Government
Cathays Park
CF10 4NQ

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