Natural Resources Wales has powers under legislation to recover the costs of some of its services. Under these powers, people and organisations that require an environmental permit or specific services pay for the cost of the service, rather than it being funded from general taxation.

The regulations that we are consulting on, relate to operators who sort 1000 tonnes per year or more of mixed dry household or household-like waste material, to produce glass, metal, paper or plastic recyclate. The regulations affect approximately 30 existing waste permit holders in Wales.

The charge proposed in this consultation - £2,065 per year - is to cover the expected regulatory costs of a planned annual inspection, an unplanned annual inspection and to take any follow up action with operators who need help with compliance.

How to respond

Please submit your comments by 4pm on Tuesday 3rd June 2014, in any of the following ways:

Email: with your email clearly marked “MF Consultation Response” in the e-mail subject line

or by


KSP Waste Team
Natural Resources Wales
Llwyn Brain
Ffordd Penlan
Parc Menai
Gwynedd, LL57 4DE

Publishing our consultation results

We will publish our full response to the consultation by July 2014. It will include summary comments and queries we received in the responses and will outline our recommendations which will take these into account. The report will be on our website and circulated to all consultees.

Related document downloads