Proposition: what goes on the Natural Resources Wales website 

This is part of the content and publishing manual.

This proposition is regularly reviewed and updated.

Last updated 21 November 2022.

This proposition explains what information and services should go on the Natural Resources Wales website.

The site is designed so that users do not need to understand the complex structures of our organisation to access information or carry out a task.

What goes on the website

Content must help users do one of the following:

  • complete a task or transaction
  • understand the natural environment
  • consider the natural environment in their plans
  • get transparency information
  • work for us
  • get educational resources
  • enjoy Wales' natural resources safely and responsibly

1. Complete a task or transaction

We publish content that tells users how to do something - such as complete a task or transaction - or is advice we must provide because we are the regulator.

It goes on the website because it helps users comply with the law. For example: 

  • find a licensed scrap metal dealer
  • apply for a water licence
  • check my flood risk
  • know if I need to register an authorisation
  • apply for a licence, permit or any other authorisation

2. Understand the natural environment

We publish content that helps citizens understand the natural environment, including during major environmental events, as users need to stay safe.

3. Consider the natural environment in their plans

We publish content that helps professionals consider the environment in their plans. Users need to show they have considered the environment in their decision making.

4. Get transparency information

We publish content that helps us meet our transparency obligations as users need to know how NRW works and hold NRW to account.

5. Work for us

We publish this content as users need to get a job and/ or know what it's like to work at NRW.

6. Find educational resources

We publish this content as users need to use the information in their teaching.

7. Enjoy Wales’ natural resources safely and responsibly

We publish this content as users need to know how to appreciate and care for the environment, so that others can also do so.

What doesn't go on the website

1. Information that is already on the website. The original content must be updated to avoid confusion for users.

2. Information about an NRW internal policy. This belongs on the intranet.

3. Guidance on Welsh Government policy. It duplicates existing content on the Welsh Government website.

4. Advice on a specific situation. Content maintenance is expensive and it is confusing for users in different situations. Consider asking the communications team for help.

5. Content which duplicates information that is the responsibility of other organisations including:

  • local authorities
  • town and community councils
  • national park authorities
  • fire and rescue authorities
  • local health boards
  • health trusts
  • community health councils
  • independent statutory office holders
  • Welsh government
  • UK government

or it exists on another website where a non-governmental organisation is better placed to meet the user need. 

It does not go on the website because:

  • it is not in NRW’s remit
  • content maintenance is expensive
  • risk is introduced when it becomes out of date or incorrect

We can link to this content instead. 

Last updated