Accessibility of other NRW websites

Some of the services you may access online with Natural Resources Wales are hosted on separate websites to the main site.

We have prioritised reviewing and fixing accessibility issues on our websites with the highest number of people accessing them for the most critical services.  

See our main accessibility statement for for feedback, compliance governance and enforcement contact details. 

Long term flood risk maps


How accessible this website is

The map is not compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to the non-compliances and exemptions below.

  • The maps are not accessible, and although exempt from the current requirements, they do not have a text alternative.

We are currently reviewing our long term flood risk service, and will look to make this more accessible as part of our roadmap.

Public Register


What you can do

This website is constructed in a logical order allowing keyboard only users to effectively navigate, and it provides visible focus for low vision users.  A 'skip content' link has been added that further supports the user to efficiently reach the main content of a page. 

How accessible this website is

The website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to following non-compliances and exemptions:

  • low contrast issues e.g. homepage search button
  • missing Labels on search fields  e.g. 3rd party Hotjar feedback tool
  • empty Buttons e.g. 3rd party Hotjar feedback tool
  • missing 'alternative text'
  • placement issues of the main 'skip content link'
  • focus incorrect when using the 'Top' link
  • screen readers are unable to focus on and read out the search results
  • there are a large number of historic documents that are not accessible

These issues were identified as part of an internal basic accessibility assessment and have been added to the digital roadmap for review.

Flood warnings and alerts

The current check flood warnings service has a number of accessibility issues. This will be switched off in November 2020.

The new flood warning service has been tested for accessibility.

See the accessibility statement for flood warnings and the 5 day flood risk service

River levels 

The current check river levels service has a number of accessibility issues. This will be switched off in November 2020.

The new flood warning service has been tested for accessibility.

See the accessibility statement for river levels service


Consultation Hub (Citizen space)


The website is currently under review and details will be published shortly.

NRW My Account and Waste Carriers registration portal

Domain: and

What you can do

This website has some natural compliance with accessibility due to browser defaults. 

How accessible this website is

The website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to the non-compliances and exemptions due to the following issues:

  • no 'skip content' link
  • no visible focus assist is available
  • focus order in styled and unstyled pages is not correct
  • low contrast on buttons
  • some text is inappropriately small
  • incorrectly applied Aria labels
  • redundant links
  • missing autocomplete
  • using a screen reader is unnecessarily difficult
  • a number of additional issues are present when using JAWs screen reader

These issues were identified as part of an internal basic accessibility assessment and have been added to the digital roadmap for review..

NRW Water abstraction returns service


How accessible this website is

The website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to the following non-compliance and exemption:

  • When using iOS Voiceover the tabbing order is not logical and focus of header elements may be out of order

These issues were identified as part of formal accessibility testing.

NRW Regulatory Portal 

Used for: applying for waste and water exemptions, hazardous waste , environmental permitting and others. 


What you can do

This website offers some focus order and visible focus for low vision users and offers some natural accessibilty capability based on browser defaults. 

How accessible this website is

The website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to the following non-compliances and exemptions:

  • visible focus not aligned with new NRW standard
  • multiple contrast issues found on logo, links, language switcher, search, and search results
  • no 'skip content' link
  • missing language attribute on language switcher
  • incorrect heading structure observed
  • multiple orphaned buttons
  • focus order is not properly set up for screen readers, in particular for tables

These issues were identified as part of an internal basic accessibility assessment and have been added to the digital roadmap for review..

NRW API Portal


The website is currently under review and details will be published shortly.

NRW Library Catalogue 


The website is currently under review and details will be published shortly.

Anglesey and Llŷn Fens LIFE Project (archived CCW project site)

The content on this site has been transferred to the Anglesey and Llŷn Fens LIFE Project page on the website and the archived site is under review for closure.

What you can do

This website offers some natural accessibility capability based on browser defaults.

How accessible this website is

The website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to the following non-compliances and exemptions:

  • visible focus not aligned with new NRW standard
  • no landmarks found in the entire site
  • redundant titles on multiple images
  • no 'skip content' link
  • missing language attribute on language switcher
  • multiple links to PDFs that are not accessibility ready

These issues were identified as part of an internal basic accessibility assessment. 

Outdoor Learning Wales


What you can do

This website offers some natural accessibility capability based on browser defaults

How accessible this website is

The website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to the following non-compliances and exemptions:

  • visible focus missing
  • multiple contrast issues found
  • no 'skip content' link 
  • missing labels and empty buttons
  • redundant links
  • incorrect heading structure
  • missing language ​toggle
  • no carousel controls
  • missing autocomplete on input fields
  • calendar not accessible for screen readers

These issues were identified as part of an internal basic accessibility assessment and have been added to the digital roadmap for review..

E-Timber Sales 


What you can do

This website offers some natural accessibility capability based on browser defaults

How accessible this website is

The website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to the following non-compliances and exemptions:

  • visible focus missing
  • some illogical tabbing order found
  • multiple contrast issues found
  • no 'skip content' link 
  • suspicious link warnings caused by lack of detail
  • missing alternative text for some images
  • broken links observed
  • some text and layout elements do not resize appropriately
  • missing title and language attribute on language toggle
  • some missing labels

These issues were identified as part of an internal basic accessibility assessment and have been added to the digital roadmap for review..

Bathing water data explorer 


The website is currently under review and details will be published shortly.

Water Watch Wales 


What you can do

This website offers some natural accessibility capability based on browser defaults

How accessible this website is

The website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to the following non-compliances and exemptions:

  • visible focus not consistent or aligned with NRW standard
  • multiple contrast issues found
  • no 'skip content' link 
  • suspicious link warnings caused by lack of detail
  • screen reader user difficult when using menu navigation
  • inability to interact with all elements using a screen reader
  • menu links to documents that are not accessible

These issues were identified as part of an internal basic accessibility assessment and have been added to the digital roadmap for review..

​Fly Tipping Action Wales​


The website is currently under an accessibility review and details will be published shortly.

Wales Coast Path 


See the Wales Coast Path accessibility statement 

Our coast and seas



You can see our roadmap for accessibility improvements ​on our main accessibility statement for as well as details of who to contact for feedback, compliance governance and enforcement contact details for any of NRW's sites.


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Last updated