Accessibility improvements

We are continuously trying to improve the accessibility of our site. The work we do to fix accessibility issues will be listed on this page.



  • we now have an accessible tool to check flood risk, to access information that was previously only available in the flood risk map. 










  • improvements made to the Waste Carriers table




  • applied a visible 'focus on' feature across the site. This supports the navigation of our web pages and elements of the site (excluding maps)
  • added a 'skip to main content' link to help navigate to content pages, we provide this at the top of each page
  • removed duplicate headings from across the site
  • added alternative text to all our website’s graphical assets and images
  • removed 20 PDF documents from the site and turned these into HTML content


  • enabled users to navigate around the website in a logical order using a keyboard
  • fixed some colour contrast issues
  • continued identifying accessibility issues. We listed these in our accessibility statement
  • removed 15 PDF documents from the site and turned these into HTML content
  • created accessible Word templates and guidance for staff on creating accessible documents, such as evidence reports
  • continued to improve the content across the site making it more accessible and user friendly


  • using a browser, a user can now zoom to magnify their view up to 200% without the text spilling off the screen
  • workshops held to help content editors improve the accessibility of PDF documents
  • worked to remove the mega navigation and made it accessible for everyone. We now have a flat navigation, which is consistent across the site
  • removed five PDF documents from the site and turned these into HTML content
  • introduced a print page facility for customers wanting to print web content


  • fixed problems identified in the first accessibility audit
  • had a second accessibility audit of our website by Zoonou - an accessibility company
  • ran awareness raising sessions for staff on the importance of accessibility
  • continued to identify accessibility issues and began work on our accessibility statement
  • continued to improve the content across the site making it more user friendly


  • held staff training courses to raise awareness of accessibility problems across the site
  • carried out our first accessibility audit of the website
  • continued to improve the content across the site making it more user friendly
  • published an accessible waste carriers public register


  • continued to improve the content across the site making it more user friendly


  • held an accessibility awareness session at a new staff induction
  • ran an introduction to accessibility lunch and lean
  • continued to improve the content across the site making it more user friendly


  • audited documents on the main website to help prioritise accessibility work on the basis of customer usage
  • continued to improve the content across the site making it more user friendly
Last updated