Marine and coastal evidence reports

Requests for reports marked ** should be made by emailing

NRW series - report number NRW series - evidence and report title
4 Bottlenose dolphin and harbour porpoise monitoring in Cardigan Bay and Pen Llŷn a’r Sarnau Special Areas of Conservation 2011 - 2013 
5 MarClim annual Welsh intertidal climate monitoring survey 2013 
26 Assessing the socio-economic benefits of marine protected areas  
35 A process for implementing an ecosystem approach to fisheries management in Wales: a literature review
36 The ecosystem approach in action: global case studies, good practice and lessons learned 
49 The reproduction and connectivity of Sabellaria alveolata reefs in Wales
50 MarClim annual Welsh intertidal climate monitoring survey 2014
55 Intertidal SAC monitoring Zostera noltii at Angle Bay, Pembrokeshire marine SAC, 2013
58 Intertidal monitoring, Pen Llyn a’r Sarnau SAC August 2013
59 Intertidal monitoring of rocky reefs, Pembrokeshire marine SAC. Population trends for selected species 2005 to 2014
63 Wales intertidal SAC feature assessment summary 2004-2017
64 Intertidal SAC monitoring of Zostera marina at Porth Dinllaen, Pen Llŷn a’r Sarnau SAC, 2016
65 Grey seal breeding census Skomer Island 2014
66 Skomer Marine Conservation Zone project status report 2014
67 Skomer Marine Conservation Zone Nudibranch diversity survey 2014
68 Skomer Marine Conservation Zone. Distribution & abundance of Zostera marina in North Haven 2014
69 Skomer Marine Conservation Zone project status report 2014
70 Skomer Marine Nature Reserve annual report 2013
71 Skomer seal report 2013
72 Skomer Marine Nature Reserve project status report 2013
75 Across-Wales intertidal SAC monitoring, Pen Llyn a’r Sarnau SAC August 2014
80 National seascape assessment for Wales
81 Impacts of bait digging on the Gann: an evidence review
82 Guidance to inform marine mammal site characterisation requirements at wave and tidal stream energy sites in Wales
83 ** Report on marine benthic data collected and collated by CCW/NRW between 2011 and 2014 
144 Analysis of inshore Vessel Monitoring System data from scallop vessels fishing in Welsh waters between 2012 and 2015
147 Grey seal breeding census Skomer Island 2015
148 Skomer Marine Conservation Zone project status report 2015
149 Skomer Marine Conservation Zone annual report 2015
150 Modelling sensitivity of seabed habitats to combined fishing effects
155 Temporal trends and phenology in grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) pup counts at Marloes Peninsula, Wales
156 Grey seal pupping phenology on Ramsey Island, Pembrokeshire
158 Skomer Marine Conservation Zone distribution and abundance of Echinus esculentus and selected starfish species 2015
159 Skomer Marine Conservation Zone sponge diversity survey 2015 
161 MarClim annual Welsh intertidal climate monitoring survey 2015 

Bottlenose Dolphin Monitoring in Cardigan Bay 2014 - 2016

Appendix 2

194 Grey seal breeding census Skomer Island 2016
195 Skomer MCZ grey seal survey, Marloes Peninsula 1992-2016 
196 Skomer Marine Conservation Zone scallop survey 2016 
197 Skomer Marine Conservation Zone project status report 2016
198 Skomer Marine Conservation Zone annual report 2016
205 MarClim annual Welsh intertidal climate monitoring survey 2016 
208 Advice to inform development of guidance on marine, coastal and estuarine physical processes numerical modelling assessments
215 NRW Rhiannon Modiolus survey 2015: video and still image analysis
217 Temporal trends and phenology in grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) pup counts at Skomer, Wales
226 Cardigan Bay Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018
227 Carmarthen Bay and Estuaries Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018
228 Cemlyn Bay Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018
229 Dee Estuary Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018 
231 Limestone coast of south west Wales Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018 
232 Menai Strait and Conwy Bay Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018 
233 Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018 
234 Lleyn Peninsula and the Sarnau Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018
235 Severn Estuary Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018

Guidance on Best Practice for Marine and Coastal Physical Processes Baseline Survey and Monitoring Requirements to inform EIA of Major Development Projects

250 Skomer Marine Conservation Zone annual report 2017
251 Skomer Marine Conservation Zone project status 2017-18
252 Grey seal breeding census Skomer Island 2017
256 MarClim annual Welsh intertidal climate monitoring survey 2017
261  Rissos dolphins of Ynys Enlli Bardsey Island photo-ID catalogue

Review and tidal energy test facility and marine mammals case study


EIRPHOT: A critical assessment of Wales’ grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) photo-identification database


Menai Strait and Conwy Bay SAC intertidal monitoring  summary, 2010 to 2017

308 Wales National Marine Plan: Identifying opportunities to deliver environmental benefits through plan development
309 Bae Cemlyn / Cemlyn Bay Special Area of Conservation : Updated indicative site level feature condition assessment November 2018
321 Grey Seal Breeding Census - Skomer Island 2018
322 Skomer Marine Conservation Zone Distribution & Abundance of Zostera marina in North Haven 2018
323 Skomer Marine Conservation Zone - anuual report 2018
324 Skomer Marine Conservation Zone  project status report 2018-2019
325 Skomer Marine Conservation Zone - Nudibranch Diversity Survey 2018 
345 MarClim Annual Welsh Intertidal Climate Monitoring Survey 2018
350 Assessing sensitivity of Welsh Marine SAC and SPA features to non-licensable activities
351 Mapping Recreational Anchoring, Mooring and Launching in Wales
352 Developing an approach to determining foot access intensity on the Welsh intertidal zone
357 Supporting the implementation of the Welsh National Marine Plan: Enhancing marine ecosystems
397 Skomer Marine Conservation Zone project status report 2019-2020
398 Skomer Annual Report 2019

Skomer MCZ Distribution and abundance of Echinus esculentus and selected starfish species 2019


Estimating the Carbon Sink Potential of the Welsh Marine Environment


Underwater acoustic surveys:
Review of source characteristics, impacts on marine species, current regulatory framework and recommendations for potential management options (PDF)

Download in Word format


Investigating the location and intensity of bait digging in Wales


Impacts of Bait Digging on the Gann: Analysis of Monitoring Data


Assessment of the impacts of recreational sea angling in Wales


Skomer MCZ Sponge diversity survey 2019


MarClim Annual Welsh Intertidal Climate Monitoring Survey 2019


Skomer MCZ Commercial pot fishing activity mapping 1989 to 2019


Rumney Great Wharf Saltmarsh Restoration / Enhancement Feasibility and Preferred Option Studies


Grey Seal Breeding Census Skomer Island 2020


Feasibility Study of Methods to Collect Data on the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Diadromous Fish in Welsh Waters.


Acoustic tracking in Wales – designing a programme to evaluate Marine Renewable Energy impacts on Diadromous fish.


Restoring marine and coastal habitats in Wales: identifying spatial opportunities and benefits


Identifying areas of Welsh seabed potentially vulnerable to anchoring, mooring and launching


Hand harvesting of seaweed: Evidence review to support sustainable management 


North West Anglesey Survey of Possible Horse Mussel Bed Areas (2009 and 2010)


Grey seal breeding census Skomer Island 2021


Skomer Marine Conservation Zone project status report 2021


Skomer Marine Conservation Zone Annual Report 2021


Bait digging management options


Bait digging evidence collection - methodology review


Seaweed farming and blue carbon: an evidence review to support sustainable management in Wales


Advice on Physical Processes for Small-scale Marine and Coastal Projects


Understanding how management of the Welsh MPA network can contribute to the protection and enhancement of blue carbon


The Blue Carbon Potential of the Marine Protected Area Network in Wales


Ocean Literacy in Wales: Headline Findings Report


Marine & coastal environments and well-being: a summary of the evidence base

Last updated