Publications, evidence and research on freshwater and terrestrial habitats

Requests for reports marked ** should be made by emailing

NRW series - report number NRW series - evidence and report title
2 Llyn Tegid monitoring station 2013
8 Conservation management of species-rich grasslands in the Elan Valley, Radnorshire
18 Traditional orchard habitat inventory of Wales
24 Defining and mapping Calaminarian grassland in mid-Wales
27  Biodiversity action plan lakes survey 2012-14 
28 Lake ecological surveys (Wales) 2013
29 Condition assessment of eight standing waters in Welsh Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs)
42 Pembrey Burrows - geomorphological appraisal and options for dune rejuvenation
43 Kenfig Phase 1 dune rejuvenation works  -overview report 
51 Assessment of physical habitat condition and development of restoration actions for the River Wye SAC in Wales 
61  **A survey of Calaminarian grassland in Mid-Wales
62 Llyn Tegid monitoring station 2014 
92 Kenfig Phase 2 dune rejuvenation works topographic survey report
93 Newborough Phase 1 dune rejuvenation works topographic survey report
94 Merthyr Mawr dune rejuvenation works topographic survey report
95 Newborough Phase 1 dune rejuvenation works topographic survey report March 2014
96 Merthyr Mawr dune rejuvenation works topographic survey report
97 Kenfig Phase 2 dune rejuvenation works topographic survey report
98 Kenfig Phase 1 dune rejuvenation works topographic survey report
99  Merthyr Mawr dune rejuvenation works topographic survey report March 2015
100 Kenfig dune rejuvenation works topographic survey March 2015
101 Newborough Phase 1 dune rejuvenation works topographic survey March 2015
102 Newborough dune rejuvenation works topographic survey March 2015 Phase 2 Site: Zone 1 East
103 Newborough dune rejuvenation works topographic survey March 2015 Phase 2 Site: Zone 1 West 
104  Newborough Phase 3 dune rejuvenation works topographic survey March 2015
135 Evidence review of lake eutrophication in Wales
136 Survey characterisation and condition assessment of Palustriella dominated springs H7220 Petrifying springs with tufa formation (Cratoneurion)
140 River Dee & Bala lake SAC population attribute condition assessment for brook, river and sea lamprey 2014 
143 Tŷ Ddewi / St David’s coast NVC survey report 
145 Ecological surveys of Welsh lakes 2015 
162 Advice on assessment and monitoring of coastal and estuarine habitat creation schemes 
192 Condition assessment using 2016 river habitat survey data and common standards monitoring guidance for the Afon Teifi and Afon Eden – Cors Goch Trawsfynydd SACs
203 Mapping the extent of calaminarian grassland at Mwyngloddfa Cwmystwyth SSSI
204 Ecological surveys of Welsh lakes 2016

Advice on options for sand dune management for flood and coastal defence: Volume 1: Main report

Advice on options for sand dune management for flood and coastal defence: Volume 2: Site Summaries

225 Glannau Môn: Cors heli / Anglesey Coast: Saltmarsh Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018
230 Kenfig / Cynffig Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018
257 Ecological Surveys of Welsh Lakes 2017

Advice on Sustainable Management of Coastal Shingle Resources

296 Dune Rejuvenation Trials Overview Report
343 Ecological Surveys of Welsh Lakes 2018
Last updated