Browse map of data about the natural environment

Interactive map

This interactive map provides Natural Resources Wales' geographic information about the natural environment. It offers information held by NRW on forestry, water, habitats and infrastructure.

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The map is in a process of continuous development and further data will be added over time.

We are keen to gather feedback from users to improve usefulness and user experience.

Please leave comments and suggestions

The map displays information on screen and can be converted to a PDF for A4 printing. The full data set is available for download on DataMapWales

Information available on map

The map currently displays detailed data in the following themes:

  • Water (aquifers, groundwater vulnerability etc.)

  • Forestry (ancient woodland, felling licences etc.)

  • Habitats and species

  • Protected sites and land access designations

See map for all levels of information available.

More information will be added as the map is developed further.

Read more about accessing and using our data

Using the map

Search the map for a place name, address or grid reference.

Use the spanner/screwdriver to open tools. You can then select or draw an area on the map, select an individual feature or measure distances.

You can select the theme or layer (eg protected sites, NRW managed forest sites, NRW designated sites) you wish to view.

A simple query function allows you to filter the data for specific information.

Download a detailed guide to using the map (PDF, 3KB)

Last updated