Our walking trails

Trail grades

Every walking trail is graded to give an indication of its difficulty.

The grades take account of:

  • the trail surface
  • gradients
  • level of fitness needed

Trail grades are given on this website and on the information panel at the start of the trail.


  • Walks for everyone, including people with wheelchairs and pushchairs, using accessible paths.
  • Comfortable shoes or trainers can be worn.
  • Assistance may be needed to push wheelchairs on some sections.


  • Walks for anyone looking to improve their level of fitness on generally level trails which may have some rough, irregular surfacing.
  • Suitable for pushchairs if they can be lifted over occasional obstructions.
  • Comfortable shoes or trainers can be worn.


  • Walks for people with a reasonably good level of fitness.
  • May include some unsurfaced and possibly steep paths and open country.
  • Stout footwear and warm, water-proof clothing are recommended.


  • Walks for experienced walkers with a good fitness level.
  • May include very steep hills and rough country.
  • Walking boots and warm, water-proof clothing are essential.

Trail length

We give the length of every walking trail in miles and kilometres.

Trail distances are given on this website and on the information panel at the start of the trail.

Trail climb

We give the total climb of most of our walking trails in feet and metres.

The total climb is the cumulative amount of uphill over the duration of the trail.

This figure does not necessarily relate to a continuous uphill section; it may consist of numerous small and often gentle climbs.

Where available, the total climbs are given on this website and on the information panel at the start of the trail.

Trail time

We estimate how long it takes to walk a trail based on a steady walking pace of two miles per hour or less, taking into account the trail surface and any climbs or descents.

Our estimate, which is only a guideline, also allows time for some brief breaks to enjoy the views or other features along the route.

Trail times are given on this website and on the information panel at the start of the trail.


Our walking trails are waymarked from start to finish.

The information panel at the start of the trail tells you which waymarkers (a coloured arrow or other symbol) to follow all the way around.

Last updated