Apply for permission to: film, organise an event or carry out an activity on our land

It will normally take up to 12 weeks to assess an application and complete an internal consultation. This will make sure that your activity or event can be carried out safely without affecting others who are using or working on our land.

Check if you need permission to film, organise an event or carry out an activity on our land.


Information about charges for activities, events, projects and surveys.

Filming on our land

This is the form you will need to carry out any filming on our land.

We have a wealth of unique locations available for hire. If you are looking to film the next Oscar winning blockbuster or need a backdrop for a television documentary, our estate provides filmmakers with a diverse range of locations.

you need to give us a minimum of 3 weeks notice - applications can take up to 12 weeks to process.


This is the form for one-off events, which may take place over one or a number of days. Events might include mountain biking or running, triathlons, equine events, paintballing, filming, skills training, guided walks, bushcraft, carriage driving – and many others!


This is the form for you if you wish to undertake conservation, heritage or archaeological surveys that require a permit. Activities of this kind might include archaeological excavations, activities on scheduled ancient monuments or surveys of European protected species.

Annual permissions for individuals

This is the form for regular activities that may need a permit or barrier keys, such as horse riding, husky training, keeping beehives and so on (this is not an exhaustive list of potential activities).

Annual permissions for businesses, clubs and societies

This is the form for you if you represent a business, club or society and need a permit or barrier keys for activities such as carriage driving and foliage gathering.

Long term agreements to use our land

If you have an idea for a long-term project (over 1 year), please email Llais Y Goedwig and tell them what you would like to do.

Llais Y Goedwig can help you complete the projects application form and give advice about funding opportunities, project sustainability and introduce you to their network of community woodland projects across Wales.

Contact us

If you need help, please contact us.

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