Crindau Flood Risk Management Scheme


The Crindau area of Newport has a long history of tidal flooding and the existing tidal defences at Crindau are in a very poor condition, offering a level of protection for approximately a 1 in 10 year flood event. As a result, 667 properties are estimated to be at risk of flooding from a 1 in 200 year tidal flood event.

The strategic objective of the Crindau Flood Risk Management Scheme is to reduce this flood risk. In 2013-2014 Natural Resources Wales (NRW) submitted a business case to secure funding for the scheme. We were successful in this and are now progressing with the detailed design, landowner negotiations and planning application.

Latest news

February 2021

Construction of the Crindau flood scheme has been completed and is now providing an increased level of flood protection to over 600 homes and businesses in the area.

Read our full press release about the completed project.

May 2020

The former Magnum Scaffolding and National Plastic buildings have been demolished. The buildings came down easily - as expected and all rubble has been removed from site. The site is now clear.

Due to the impact of Coronavirus on the supply chain, Griffiths are no longer able to continue with the next stage of the works. They will pull off from site for the time being and restart the works as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience and understanding in these difficult times.

March 2020 – Autumn 2020

Works will shortly start on the demolition of the former National Plastics building by Lyne Road bridge and the Former Magnum Scaffolding buildings along Adelaide Street.

Griffiths Contractors have been awarded the contract and will soon be securing the site with fencing. This will mean a section of footpath will be closed along Albany Street and Adelaide Street. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but public safety is our priority. Griffiths Contractors will be delivering a letter to those residents and businesses located near to the site.

Griffiths Contractors main site compound will be next door to W Harold John (Metals) Ltd on Adelaide Street however they will also use the main entrance to the former Magnum Scaffolding Yard so please keep vigilant when driving and walking by this area.

As soon as the buildings are demolished, works will start on constructing the flood defence. Long (12m) steel sheet piles will be driven into the ground by machine.

In order to complete the works near the bridge, it is necessary to close the road for a short period of time. Again, we are sorry for the inconvenience, but public safety is our priority.

On top of the flood defence will be a concrete beam so that in the future the defence can be increased in height to accommodate for climate change.
The last section of works to be completed will be a small landscaped area near the bridge. It will be grassed, and three trees will be planted.

September 2019 – March 2020

Our flood scheme works have been completed at the top end of the scheme near Waterside Court. Landscaping works will be completed in the spring which involves placing top soil and grass seeding the area.

The National Cycle Network Route 88 remained open during these works. Thank you cyclists for taking care when using the diversion path.

Phase 2 Pre-construction development August 2018 – September 2019

We have been working hard with landowners, architects and planners to finalise our plans to reduce the risk to three remaining areas of the scheme.

July 2018 - Completion of Phase 1

Phase 1 of the scheme included constructing flood walls behind the industrial properties to the north of Lyne Road Bridge, and a new embankment through Shaftesbury Park.

The new embankment includes seated terraces overlooking the playing field to enhance this local amenity, and a new footpath and cycleway now run through the entire park.

The old garages along Pugsley Street have also been demolished and a new earth embankment runs through the former Sainsbury’s site.



The proposed NRW scheme will be constructed between the M4 motorway and the London to Cardiff railway line, along the west bank of the River Usk and the lower end of Crindau. The scheme will be made up of multiple components, including walls, embankments and ground raising.

Following careful consideration of the feasibility, costs, benefits and impacts, the preferred option is to construct the new defences to provide protection against a 1 in 200 year event, including an allowance for effects of climate change over the next 50 years. The design will also be adaptive for further climate change, so it can be ‘topped up’ in the future if required.


For more information please contact Melissa Mahavar-Snow (Project Manager) on 0300 065 4369 or

Natural Resource Wales
Ty Cambria,
29 Newport Road,
Cardiff, CF24 0TP


Last updated